My Hero-Romantic Poem

My Hero

You are the world,
As seen through perfect eyes.
Your tenderness, your love,
Ever present in your actions.
Your smell lingers in my memories,
Even when you're gone.
I will never forget it.
Pain, hurt, regret,
All find themselves,
Too tired to trudge on,
In the fierce protectiveness,
Of your arms.
Wisdom is carried in every word,
with the sound of your voice,
And the way you smile,
Is the greatest argument,
That goodness exists.
You have never caused pain,
Yet you have vanquished many evils.
You are the greatest hero,
That I have ever known.


The Kiss That Was

Have you ever had a kiss
that took you on a bliss
and left you with shaking knees
the one you'd not dare miss

so intense it made you drift
a fall you'd not care lift
and your lot that is to shift
seems to budge in a swift

lose a grip, never a bit
those lips they seem to fit
and with less than a heartbeat
your souls are apt to meet