Romantic love inspires potential interest to live in the world;
Enjoyment of love churns out joy and pleasure in long life
And the dream of romantic love never ceases desire to demise
Despite the burden to work hard to stabilise life in the world!

Spell of romance makes one forget the sense of anything -
Sense of taste, sight, smell, hearing and touch common for all!
Nothing is known happening around except the object of love
And even day and night are forgotten during such pursuits deep!

All seem surmountable as in the adventures of Don Quixote;
What a dream world of romantic love romance immerses in!
Summer or Winter, or Autumn or Spring everything is one
To the eyes, mind and spirit when the heart is full of love ever!

A dream of romantic love makes everything easy as in paradise
Or in heaven where only enjoyment of variety is thought forever!


Love Waiting

All my life ive been waiting it really seemed forever
to find that special someone I thought would be never.
Not many crossed my path maybe too fussy was I
so maybe I foolishly let some chances pass me by.

Theres someone for everyone I hear people saying
relationships to some like games they are just playing.
Where did the romance go it seemed to die away
but waiting and hoping it would return again day.

Many years have passed by maybe the time is right
romance came again and feelings again in my sight.
Maybe all the waiting had paid off for me in the end
someone to share and care for and my love to send.